Thursday, October 2, 2008


Okay, maybe this isn't my place to be, stating things, but i feel my opinion should be heard darnit! So, to the point. I've recently heard of the new religious documentary, Religulous, weird, the commercial is on right now. anyway, i mean, a documentary about violent America, Bowling For Columbine. And even a documentary about the "leaders" in charge of our country. But Sicko is where i start to draw the line. In my opinion, my 13 year old opinion, I don't give a flying hoot about another countries health care, I honestly hardly care about mine, but that will come when i adultify or whatever it's called. and now with this new Religulous deal, welllll, this guy is certainly a respectable man, Bill Maher, but in his advertising for the documentary, he just seems to me like he wants to be included in all the attention that Michael Moore got. in a scene talking to a man dressed up as Jesus, Jesus-impersonator asked, "what if you're wrong?" to which Mr. Maher asked, "what if you're wrong?" I could almost hear him thinking, I questioned Jesus! well, whatever, maybe i'm just too young to understand, but it's my own opinion, so whatever.

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