Monday, June 22, 2009

Rubiks Cube.

It got me, the six sided puzzle sucked me in. And you know, there are not many things quite as fulfilling as finishing one of those things from memory. But scrambling them SUCKS!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Dang, the weather outside is scorching! I was outside for a couple hours today and DANG! It's just torture! On a lighter note, I've realized my new favorite kind of music is metal! And not death metal that has lyrics like, "oorgg horrhrhr greah grote grrooo." I mean Metallica, and Iron Maiden. Y'know, classy metal.
Danny has a story to tell! Today while I was outside for a couple hours me and a few friends went up to a park in our neighborhood. It's got swings, and a decent playground. While we were chilling, a group of 3 small kids came riding up. The two girls began playing in the sand while the young boy started climbing on the playground like a hairless monkey. We watched them for a while, waiting for the young boy to fall and break himself, when he asked us the most awesome question possible at that time. Do you want to play man on sand with us? For those unacquainted, man on sand- Sand being interchangable with grass or wood chips- is the single best playground game ever concieved. The rules are as follows. The one who is it has to have their eyes closed ALWAYS! He walks around trying to tag someone who is not it, and if he thinks someone is on the sand then he can say MAN ON SAND! And that makes them it. No exceptions. Otherwise he just tags them. Once someone is tagged he counts to ten and then they are it. It would've been fun, except this young boy, Gabe, IS THE MOST ANNOYING CHILD EVER! When you were "it" he would run up to you and SCREAM at your FACE! But we quit, and I went home. End of story.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer of Amazingness.

A friend recently sent me a text that reads, "Summer of '09. Sneaking out Making out, and passing out. What ever happens no regrets! Send to all your friends and have a fantastic summer." I read this and thought, yeah sure, lets do it. Not with this individual per se, he was a man. But the when i re-thunk it i realized, i'm nowhere near hardcore enough to sneak out of my home! let alone pass out, be it alcohol consumption or sleep deprivation. As for making out, maybe if I'm fly enough. And while we are on the topic of gangster speak, such as 'fly', then I hope you assume I am using it sarcastically. good day, homies.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My glorious return!

No I did not die. I am here! And I am ready for summer. I forgot about this pathetic collection of mumblings but it is now the season of warmth and interesting happenings! I hope. But in recent news, most interestingly I got a girlfriend! Sarah Turner, yup. Also just returned from New York and Washington D.C. More on those stories later! But for now it is late and time for me to bed! so long non-existant readers.