Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sorry, there is NOTHING to post about! i feel awful for ditching you guys, but i will return! i promise, just. lack of interest right now i guess
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Got Danny?
Good news guys! i'm running for my class president! and my good friend/ campaign manager Mike M. has conjured up a SLOGAN!
" Got Danny? he does a student body good"
Heck yes!
" Got Danny? he does a student body good"
Heck yes!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
You know whats funny?
Well, if you have cats, (or A cat) like me, then this may have happened to you. You're just sitting around, near a litter box, and then one of you pets walks in and takes a dump and starts scratching around. I think it's hilarious!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Oh, man the insanity.
I've been told to get more readers i must post more on other peoples blogs. I would do this, accept for one thing. Apparently all the other users of bloggerbot are only interested in posting as many pictures as possible at a time of their young children and pets. This would be fine except for the fact that there is hardly any COMMENTARY! just endless photos of dog after dog and kid after kid. all this wholesome family business is driving me crazy! how about a little music or something interesting for once, eh?
because i'm a good frickin' person
Today i saw a dog running around and i grabbed it's collar and stopped it from running into the street and called the number on it's collar and then i held it for 15 MINUTES! because i'm a good frickin' person
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Interweb
I've never really realized just how huge the scope of the internet actually is. I mean, IT'S HUGE. Thinkaboutit. it's just simply MASSIVE. no one will ever, EVER visit every site known to man. it's impossible! more and more are made every day! like, this one. if people saw all of them i would actually have readers. oh, yeah, tell all of your friends i'm here! a'ight?

Oh MAN. I've just realized. I'VE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH A TECHNO BAND. It may not sound bad to SOME but I've not liked techno music for many, years. about 13 years to be exact. the band that was SO GOOD that turned me to to their special brand of techno is none other than the one and only MUSE. My all time favorite song of theirs is Knights Of Cydonia. Listen to these guys!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
OH NO! i'm losing my challenge to myself!
In my recent absence i have noticed something very disturbing. I'M NOT POSTING ENOUGH! If i ever hope to win the challenge against myself I need to post much, much more. good thing the life i lead is so, so, so, SO exciting. here's to hoping!
this whoooole rigamarole
hey guys, sorry i haven't been posting. but i have a good reason. trust me. I've been on a THREE DAY WEEKEND!!!! WOOOOO. sadly this extravaganza had to end in me missing school because of a fever today. But I am happy to report that i am much better now and ready for school once again.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
allow me to waste your time.
Hello readers, Danny here. I'd just like to drop in and say hi. Good news! I have a fantastic web-site for you to visit once your done reading and commenting on every single one of my posts of september/october. this website is called and it rocks! the author, steve, is charismatic. And hilarious. so there. go to it
what the heck, man?

Okay, so here's the story. I was taking a pleasant bike ride when i get to a particularly busy street, (with sidewalks) and go about one block when this junky white grand-am comes up to me, (normal driving speed) and without even slowing down a water bottle is tossed out their window landing in the middle of the street i was crossing. Okay, i don't know what exactly is going on here, but i don't like it. Maybe it's just a bunch of snotty teenagers driving rusty ugly junk-cars trying to tick off super awesome blog authors. above is the bottle that was tossed out of the window and almost assassinated me.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Evil Genius

One of my favorite pastimes is settling down and reading a good book. I have recently been in a rut of bad books though, and have been crossing my fingers for a redeeming novel. Luckily, browsing my schools libraries slim pickin's, I found one that caught my eye. This book is called Evil Genius, above is the picture of the front cover, it is a very good book. It is written by a first time author for me, Catherine Jinks. But being about halfway through this book it is clear to me this won't be the last novel i read authored by her. Check it out, it is good. trust me, i have a blog.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Competition... with myself
I've found a big competition to take part in, and it involves ONE person. ME! I've only just realized how it tells how many posts are put up each month on the side of the screen. I believe this is meant simply to make me want to post MORE and MORE each month. well, you clever blogger creators. I ACCEPT THY CHALLENGE. This month, October of 2008, I shall post a minimum of 23 posts. and i swear, none will be nonsensical. (unless i'm in the mood for nonsensical) so, here i come October! BRING IT!!!
Okay, maybe this isn't my place to be, stating things, but i feel my opinion should be heard darnit! So, to the point. I've recently heard of the new religious documentary, Religulous, weird, the commercial is on right now. anyway, i mean, a documentary about violent America, Bowling For Columbine. And even a documentary about the "leaders" in charge of our country. But Sicko is where i start to draw the line. In my opinion, my 13 year old opinion, I don't give a flying hoot about another countries health care, I honestly hardly care about mine, but that will come when i adultify or whatever it's called. and now with this new Religulous deal, welllll, this guy is certainly a respectable man, Bill Maher, but in his advertising for the documentary, he just seems to me like he wants to be included in all the attention that Michael Moore got. in a scene talking to a man dressed up as Jesus, Jesus-impersonator asked, "what if you're wrong?" to which Mr. Maher asked, "what if you're wrong?" I could almost hear him thinking, I questioned Jesus! well, whatever, maybe i'm just too young to understand, but it's my own opinion, so whatever.
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